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Standardized Terminology for Surface Topography is visually represented below.

The map shown below represents the first visual mapping of the standardized surface topography terminology set to serve as a starting point for defining visual borders for the Surface Topography terms adopted into ICD-11. These borders will be refined over time.

The Surface Topography lexicon represented here on AnatomyMapper.com, can be labeled as “ICD-ST” and served as the reference framework for developing Surface Topography included in the International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision (ICD-11). “ICD-ST” represented on AnatomyMapper.com is labeled as such with permission from the World Health Organization. Other entities may require a license to use terminology.

New models designed to support over 100 languages

Anatomy Mapper ® has released new mapping technology based on its language models, language-vision models, and vision-language models.  Some amazing new features are available at https://edu.anatomymapper.com in a free education version.  Please note a new registration is required.